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Progress Notifications


  • Progress notifications send information about relevant actions that Stacktape performs to a specified destination (e.g. Slack).
  • By default, notifications are sent for deploy and delete commands.
  • You get notified when:
    • the operation successfully starts
    • the operation successfully finishes
    • an error occurs

Slack notification

For Slack notification, you need to configure 2 things:

  • accessToken (Bot User OAuth Token) - You can get it by following first 2 steps in this Slack guide.
  • conversationId - Can be either channel ID, DM ID, MPDM ID or a group ID. If you simply want to post the notification to a channel, navigate to the channel and click on the channel name. The conversation id is at the bottom of the About tab.


- type: slack
conversationId: C#######
accessToken: xoxb-####################

Microsoft Teams notification

For MS Teams notification, you need to configure only one thing:

  • webhookUrl - This is the URL that allows Stacktape to send a notification to the channel it's associated with. You can get it by following this guide.


- type: ms-teams
webhookUrl: C#######

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