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Overview and basic usage

Runs the compute resource in a development mode

  • Dev mode can be used to develop and debug your applications or to run integration tests.
  • The development mode does the following:
  • For container workloads:
    • All of the container ports specified in the events section will be mapped to the host.
    • Container's environment variables referenced by $ResourceParam and $Secret directives are automatically downloaded and injected to the workload.
    • Temporary credentials of the container's assumed role are injected to the workload. This means that your locally running container will have the exact same IAM permissions as the deployed version.
    • The local emulation requires a deployed stack. Use the --disableEmulation flag if you want to locally run a workload that has not yet been deployed (without emulation).
    • Logs from the container are continuously pretty-printed to the console.
    • You must specify the name of the container to run using the --container option.
  • For lambda functions:
    • The lambda function is quickly and efficiently re-deployed without using Cloudformation.
    • Logs of the lambda function are automatically download from Cloudwatch and continuously pretty-printed to the console
    • No emulation is required as the lambda function runs in the exact same environment as in the production
  • The compute resource is re-built and restarted/re-deployed, when you either:
    • use the --watch flag and one of your source code files changes
    • type rs + enter to the terminal


stacktape dev --stage <<stage>> --region <<region>> --resourceName <<resourceName>>

API reference


region (--r)
resourceName (--rn)
stage (--s)
awsAccount (--aa)
configPath (--cp)
container (--cnt)
currentWorkingDirectory (--cwd)
disableEmulation (--de)
dockerArgs (--da)
help (--h)
logFormat (--lf)
logLevel (--ll)
preserveTempFiles (--ptf)
profile (--p)
projectName (--prj)
templateId (--ti)
watch (--w)

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