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Deploying - using GitOps

GitOps deployments are currently only supported for Github and Gitlab projects.

Support for Bitbucket will be added shortly, in the coming months, most likely before July 2024.


  1. You must have a Stacktape account. If you don't have an account, please sign up

  2. You must have an AWS account connected to your Stacktape organization. Connecting your account takes ~2 minutes. You can connect the account on AWS accounts page in the console

  3. Stacktape config - your repository must contain stacktape.yml or stacktape.ts config. To create it, you have multiple options:

    1. (Recommended) Use the interactive config editor. To learn about how to use it, head over to using the config editor.

    2. Use a starter projects with a pre-configured Stacktape configuration.

    3. Follow one of the step-by-step tutorials. Currenctly available tutorials are Fullstack Next.js T3 app and Web API.

    4. Write the config manually. To make this process easier, you can install Stacktape VScode extension.

1 - Create new Stacktape project

After signing in to the console, click on Deploy new project and select Git project using console.

Create project
Create project

Fill in the Project name - this will be the name of your project in Stacktape. A project name must use a small alphanumeric dash case.

Fill in the project name
Fill in the project name

1.1 - Connect your Git repository

Option A - GitHub

Click the Connect GitHub Account button to start connecting your GitHub Account/Organization with Stacktape.

Connecting with GitHub
Connecting with GitHub

Click the Install button to start Stacktape GitHub app configuration.

Install GitHub app 1
Install GitHub app 1

Select GitHub organization.

Install GitHub app 2
Install GitHub app 2

Finish installation by clicking the Install button.

Install GitHub app 3
Install GitHub app 3

Option B - GitLab

Click the Connect GitLab Account button to start connecting your GitLab Account/Project with Stacktape.

Connecting with GitLab
Connecting with GitLab

Authorize application access to your GitLab account

Connecting with GitLab 2
Connecting with GitLab 2

1.2 - Select repository to deploy

After successfully connecting your git account, go back to project creation in Stacktape console.

Select the repository with the project you wish to deploy.

Select repository
Select repository

After you have finished the steps above, continue by clicking the Continue button.

Finish project setup
Finish project setup

2 - Setup GitOps

Click on the actions button, and then select View Git configuration

Navigate to Git configurations
Navigate to Git configurations

Stacktape offers two GitOps deployment options. You can use either of them and even combine them.

  1. Push-to-branch deployment
  2. Preview PR deployments

Push-to-branch deployments

Push-to-branch deployment is exactly what it sounds like. Once you configure it for your repository branch, your environment is deployed to configured project stage when you push into the branch. As you continuously push into the branch, your environment is automatically updated. To configure push-to-branch automatic deployments:

  • Click on the Set up Push-To-Branch deployments

  • In the modal window, configure the desired properties for the stage (environment) you want to be deployed automatically.

  • At this point, every push to the git branch you've configured will trigger a Stacktape deployment.

Preview PR deployments

When you set up preview deployments for your project, each new pull request triggers the deployment of a new environment (project stage). As you continuously push to the PR branch, your environment is updated.

After the pull request is closed or merged, the preview environment is automatically deleted (you can configure this behavior).

Preview environments are a great option to validate and test changes to your app or infrastructure before merging them.

They are also a great choice if you want to evaluate changes to the frontend of your app. Both your manual testers and your marketing team can see a deployed version that they can then test in action.

  • Click on the Set up PR deployments

  • In the modal window, configure the desired properties for the stage (environment) you want all of your preview stages to have.

  • At this point, every new pull request to the configured branch, will trigger a Stacktape deployment. Stacktape will also automatically create a comment inside the PR that shows some properties of the deployed stage - including a link (URL) to all of the internet-accessible resources within that stack (if any).


Deploying using CLI


Deploying using 3rd party CI

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