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Development mode


Stacktape allows you to easily develop your application in a "development" mode.

Different compute resource types have different ways to develop them.

The development mode is designed to be:

  • Practical (fast feedback loop).
  • Correct (as close to the production compute resource as possible).
  • Intuitive and easy to use.
  • Enjoyable (all the information you need in one place, pretty-printed logs, etc.)

Developing application code of container workloads

The recommended way to develop a container workload is to use the dev command.

For example, to develop and debug container api-container within container workload named apiServer, you can use


stacktape dev --region eu-west-1 --stage <<your-previously-deployed-stage>> --resourceName apiServer

This will run the container locally, map all of the containerPort-s specified in the events section to the host machine, and continuously pretty-print logs produced by the container.

Stacktape emulates the compute resource as closely to the deployed version as possible:

  • Container's environment variables referenced by $ResourceParam and $Secret directives are automatically downloaded and injected to the compute resource.
  • Temporary credentials of the container's assumed role are injected to the compute resource. This means that your locally running container will have the exact same IAM permissions as the deployed version.

The container is rebuilt and restarted, when you either:

  • type rs + enter to the terminal
  • use the --watch option and one of your source code files changes

Developing application code of lambda functions

The recommended way to develop a container compute resource is to use the dev command.


stacktape dev --region eu-west-1 --stage <<your-previously-deployed-stage>> --resourceName getPosts

This will quickly build and deploy your function code, continuously watch for its logs, and pretty-print them to the terminal.

The function is rebuilt and redeployed, when you either:

  • type rs + enter to the terminal
  • use the --watch option and one of your source code files changes

Developing application code of batch job

Local development mode for batch job is currently under development.

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